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Ukrainian Teens Shoot in Crimea

March 14, 2011

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An interesting exhibition opened at New York’s Paley Center last Thursday; those interested in photography and experiments in the field might check it out if they’re in town. National Geographic teamed up with global media development organization Internews for Photo Camp: Crimea, which saw Pulitzer Prize-winner Jay Dickman and Matt Moyer teach twenty Crimean teenagers to frame, shoot, and edit and send them off to shoot pictures around the theme of “water” showing how people spend their days playing and living on the Black Sea Coast. The exhibition closes in May, but if you’re not in New York you can see a selection of photos here. A number are as striking as some of the magazine’s best work. Dickman talks about the project in an interview with Internews below.

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Joel Meares is a former CJR assistant editor.