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Grab ’em while they’re hot. Today’s issue of The New York Sun will be the last. The Sun may not have always been my cup of...
September 30, 2008

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Grab ’em while they’re hot. Today’s issue of The New York Sun will be the last. The Sun may not have always been my cup of tea, but newspaper shutdowns are sad for all the things they represent–the end of an era, the laid-off reporters, the loss of a civic voice, and these days, perhaps the twilight of a business model.

We’ll have more on the departure of the Sun soon, but here’s an excerpt from founding editor Seth Lipsky’s departing remarks to the staff.

It is in the nature of things that there are going to be some jeers as we go out, as there were when we came in. Do not be discouraged by this. To those who say to you, “I told you so, I knew you would fail” you can say this: “No wonder you didn’t join us.” And you — reporters, editors, critics, photographers, secretaries, sales executives, book-keepers, circulation staff, technology geniuses, drivers — all of you will be able to tell your children and your grandchildren or simply your friends that not only did you appear in arms in a great newspaper war but that you did so on your own terms, for principles you believed in, and worked with some of the greatest newspaper craftsmen and craftswomen of your generation — and you covered yourselves with distinction.

They are well worth reading in full.

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Clint Hendler is the managing editor of Mother Jones, and a former deputy editor of CJR.