Must-reads of the week Podcasts meet investigative journalism in Reveal, The New York Times reshuffles its editorial meetings, and Bill O'Reilly plays to his bellicose strengths February 27, 2015 By The Editors
Some background on Patch August 8, 2013 By Kira Goldenberg Patch is reportedly laying off as many as 500 employees on Friday. Last year, CJR covered the company’s early days
Required skimming: pop culture podcasts August 8, 2013 By Edirin Oputu Quirkiness and snark, for your listening pleasure
Required skimming: hipster food quarterlies August 7, 2013 By Alexis Sobel Fitts Celebrity chefs and ambitious home cooks–armed with instagram filters
Required skimming: privacy and intellectual property August 6, 2013 By Sarah Laskow Be in the know on one of the day’s biggest issues
Legacy media musical chairs August 5, 2013 By Kira Goldenberg Jeff Bezos is buying the Washington Post, and that’s just Monday’s media sale announcement
Must-reads of the week August 2, 2013 By The Editors Bradley Manning and journalism, Reza Aslan and Fox News, Sunil Tripathi and Reddit
Required skimming: digital longreads August 1, 2013 By Kira Goldenberg Engrossing stories on any platform
TNR asks the big journalism question July 29, 2013 By Kira Goldenberg When news breaks, does the source or the viral aggregator deserve the clicks?
Must-reads of the week July 26, 2013 By The Editors Jill Abramson’s Carlos Danger name is Nate Silver
Center for Investigative Reporting simplifies FOIA July 19, 2013 By Edirin Oputu A Kickstarter project aims to fund a website that makes the FOIA process easier
Support in the conflict zone July 12, 2013 By Alexis Sobel Fitts Freelance journalists on the front lines have limited resources–but you can help
Foreign news startup Worldcrunch looks to expand its impact June 28, 2013 By Justin Peters Kickstarter project would take deep dives into global development issues