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No "P" in the (White House Press Corps) -OOL

December 3, 2009

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With a lot of fuss from mainstream media outlets about bloggers from less-than-objective outlets like the Huffington Post, Salon and Talking Points Memo being added to the White House Press Pool – Gawker, of all the news sources in the world, and which isn’t even in the pool, has the pool reports online before anyone else — and with some incisive analysis from former-newspaper-reporter-turned-blogger, John Cook, to boot. Cook writes:

There’s a rather glaring irony here: The main reason for putting the new kids into the pool is there’s fewer people in the print world left to do it. When newspapers close or consolidate their Washington bureaus to save what little money they have left, the pool loses bodies.

Ironic, indeed.

(h/t Felix Salmon)

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Alexandra Fenwick is an assistant editor at CJR.