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Culled from CJR’s frequently updated “Must-reads from around the Web,” our staff recommendations for the best pieces of journalism (and other miscellany) on the Internet, here are your can’t-miss must-reads of the past week:
America against democracy — What kind of message are we sending about the viability these democratic ideals–about openness, transparency, public participation, public collaboration? How hollow must American exhortations to democracy sound to foreign ears?
Watching Al Jazeera America launch is like ‘witnessing the birth of a unicorn’ — Whether anyone will be watching is another matter
Confessions of a 40-year-old intern — I used to take care of kids with cancer. Now, in middle age, I’m surrounded by 20-something fashion bloggers
You can only hope to contain them — Breasts in the sports world
Harper’s vs. the Atlantic — A tale of two magazines
The franchise — Profile of Jim Cantore, the world’s most fearless meteorologist
Dispatch from Paris — Ta-Nehisi Coates on privilege
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