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Kind of Like George Washington Joining…

October 23, 2009

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That great sonic boom you might have heard yesterday evening? It wasn’t a space shuttle re-entering the earth’s atmosphere, or a re-commissioned Concorde making another trans-Atlantic flight, or any such blandly human happening. Nope. Something of much greater Cosmic Significance was, in fact, afoot: Tim Berners-Lee–the Father of the World Wide Web, the Prime Mover of the ‘Net, the “I Am that I Am” of our digital infosphere, etc.–defied the laws of nature to become, somehow, a mere member of a universe he helped to create.

Yes. Unto the Web, a feed is born. Tim Berners-Lee…has joined Twitter.

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Megan Garber is an assistant editor at the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University. She was formerly a CJR staff writer.