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It’s all about perspective…

November 13, 2009

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…and Sarah Palin has, inevitably, a unique take on her impossible-to-overhype-the-importance-of campaign interview with CBS’s Katie Couric, as summarized by the AP from the onetime VP-candidate/governor’s forthcoming memoir:

She says that the idea to meet with Couric came from McCain campaign aide Nicolle Wallace, who told Palin that Couric — also a working mother — liked and admired her. It would be a favor to Couric, too, whom Palin notes had the lowest ratings of the network anchors. Wallace said Couric suffered from low self-esteem. And Palin replied that she almost began to “feel sorry” for Couric.

She alleges that Couric and CBS left out her more “substantive” remarks and settled for “gotcha” moments. She writes that Couric had a “partisan agenda” and a condescending manner. Couric was “badgering,” biased and far easier on Couric’s Democratic counterpart, Joe Biden.

Low self-esteem and low ratings, you’ll note Palin noting. Oh, the memories.

For more thoughts from Palin on this encounter, witness the below clip from Oprah, in which she asserts that McCain’s staffers told her they thought the first round with Couric actually went well.

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The Oprah sitdown airs on Monday, which I believe the politwittersphere has declared a national holiday.

(via Ben Smith)

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Clint Hendler is the managing editor of Mother Jones, and a former deputy editor of CJR.