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‘I Went to Afghanistan, and All I Got Was This Lousy Swine Flu’

September 23, 2009

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Talk about internalizing a story. On a recent reporting trip to Afghanistan, Sanjay Gupta–CNN’s chief medical correspondent and a onetime contender for U.S. Surgeon General–and his cameraman, Scottie McWhinnie, both came down with…H1N1.

Gupta describes the experience:

I am not someone who gets sick, really ever. And this was the sickest I have ever been. I would’ve much preferred my own bed with all the comforts of home – including a wife who would’ve taken great pity on me and allowed me lots of rest and relaxation. Still, I am here to blog about it, after taking the requisite few days to stay at home and not spread my gift from Afghanistan to all my colleagues at work. In case you are curious, there wasn’t much the doctors could really do for me. Some Tylenol and a sinus decongestant (the same my wife would’ve given me). We also got IV fluids, given our inability to keep anything down. Within a couple days, I felt a lot better, and a few days after that – I was back to normal. It was a lot like… the flu – with a different name. A lot of people will get the exact symptoms I described above, and for most people, it will simply mean a few miserable days, hopefully spent in your home – and not in a war zone.

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Megan Garber is an assistant editor at the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University. She was formerly a CJR staff writer.