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Murdoch, "Humble," in Global Headlines

July 20, 2011

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Below, a look at how the most recent turns in the phone hacking scandal—yesterday’s testimony to Parliament from Rupert and James Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks, and the interruption in that testimony by a man with a foam pie—were treated on front pages of newspapers around the world. Photographically, the pie-throwing disturbance made many appearances, and text-wise, the word “humble” was frequently featured (“humble pie,” specifically, from the New York Daily News, the Guardian in London, the Irish Times of Dublin, and Durban, South Africa’s The Mercury).

Some of News Corps.’s papers gave the news front-page treatment…

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….while other News Corp.-owned papers did not:

Here’s how the news looked in other papers today stateside…

….and, beyond:

London, UK

Sydney, Australia

Auckland, New Zealand

Dublin, Ireland

Hamburg, Germany

Prague, Czech Republic

Basel, Switzerland

Brussels, Belgium

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Sofia, Bulgaria

Kozhikode, India

Calcutta, India

Dubai, UAE

Durban, South Africa

Johannesburg, South Africa

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Santiago, Chile (below the fold: Rupert Murdoch; above the fold: Owen Wilson)

Cancun, Mexico

Calgary, Canada

Montreal, Canada

Toronto, Canada

Nova Scotia, Canada

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Liz Cox Barrett is a writer at CJR.