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The following is a list of words you will encounter (and number of times) in Ryan Lizza’s fascinating, detail-packed New Yorker profile of Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, headlined, “Leap of Faith. The making of a Republican front-runner.” Yes, you should probably still read all 8,700 words of Lizza’s piece yourself, if you haven’t already, but, until then, here is a taste of what awaits:
Christian/Christianity: 40
Bible/Biblical: 22
Marcus: 20
Iowa/Iowan: 19
Minnesota: 12
Conservative/s: 11
Liberty: 11
Evangelical: 9
Gay/homosexual/homosexuality: 8
Fox News: 6
Tea Party: 5
Slavery: 5
Romney: 5
Obama: 5
Economy: 4
Silver fox: 4
Drudge: 4
Palin: 3
Cargo pants: 2
Barbie: 2
Pasionaria: 1
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