Jim Tankersley joins The Washington Post December 7, 2012 By Greg Marx A good hire bolsters an already strong economic policy team
Audit Notes: paying for news edition December 5, 2012 By Ryan Chittum NYT cuts would surely have been much worse without its paywall
Audit Notes: WaPo on Avandia, giving away the store, plutocrats November 29, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Report shows how drug research is corrupted by corporate money
The Washington Post needs a paywall—now November 26, 2012 By Dean Starkman A strategic error needs to be reversed, stat
Martin Baron’s plans for WaPo November 20, 2012 By Sara Morrison Will he bring the Globe‘s double-site strategy to the Post?
Audit Notes: hustled, Brauchli fallout, NYT’s Walmart impact November 19, 2012 By Ryan Chittum ProPublica connects the dots on a former Countrywide executive named in a DOJ lawsuit
Audit Notes: Papacare, Post problem, trade reporting November 16, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Forbes finds Papa John’s Obamacare math doesn’t add up
Marcus Brauchli’s impossible task November 15, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The Post‘s ultimate problem is the business side, not the newsroom
Audit Notes: WaPo on the Bain thing, deadbeat Forbes, hamster wheel November 13, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The Post‘s revealing slip-up on the definition of swift-boating
Learn about Marty Baron November 13, 2012 By Kira Goldenberg The incoming Washington Post editor visited Columbia’s j-school last year
Historic votes, hidden from live coverage November 12, 2012 By Jennifer Vanasco The four gay marriage votes in last week’s election were hard to follow in real-time
Audit Notes: Insert hospice joke here, Web pagination, too big to value October 3, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The Washington Post diversifies its business into end-of-life care
The Post goes south on NAFTA September 17, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The paper ignores or glosses over Mexico trade’s effects on the US
WaPo dings the ‘give-it-away-free approach’ August 24, 2012 By Ryan Chittum A mess of a story on Facebook
UPDATED: Crime and punishment August 15, 2012 By Curtis Brainard As Zakaria stands trial, Lehrer gets an undeserved pardon