Jeff Bezos’s landmark purchase of the Washington Post August 5, 2013 By Ryan Chittum We’ve now officially entered the Billionaire Savior phase of the newspaper collapse–for good or ill
Legacy media musical chairs August 5, 2013 By Kira Goldenberg Jeff Bezos is buying the Washington Post, and that’s just Monday’s media sale announcement
WaPo makes a Switch July 25, 2013 By Sarah Laskow The paper’s newest blog will cover tech policy, the Wonkblog way
Losing the Virginia Way July 18, 2013 By Corey Hutchins Bob McDonnell’s gifts scandal offers an opportunity for in-depth reporting on ethics reform
Back to the basics on immigration July 12, 2013 By Richard Parker With reform push stalled, it’s time to focus on fundamentals–and explore how the issue looks from across the border
A cure for second-term doldrums? July 2, 2013 By Brendan Nyhan TNR’s Obama "recovery guide" is a break from the media tedium
WSJ minimizes the latest IRS news June 26, 2013 By David Cay Johnston A solid reporter’s story gives curiously short shrift to fresh facts. Meanwhile, what was the IG directed to find?
Hillary’s first tweet: A 2016 harbinger? June 17, 2013 By Brendan Nyhan Trivia and speculation signifying nothing
How West was spun May 24, 2013 By Richard Parker Mistakes were made, and one narrative too readily embraced, in coverage of the blast. Meanwhile, The Dallas Morning News excelled
Keystone XL road trip April 10, 2013 By Curtis Brainard New ebook from TED Books and The Washington Post takes readers down the pipeline’s proposed path
Smart, straightforward sequester stories April 5, 2013 By David Cay Johnston A HuffPost survey and a close Wonkblog look at cancer treatment stand out
Audit Notes: WaPo hamster wheel,, bureaucracy’s upside March 21, 2013 By Ryan Chittum "At least a dozen pieces of content per day"
Boehner’s overlooked acknowledgment March 20, 2013 By David Cay Johnston The Speaker–and Paul Ryan–say we don’t have an immediate debt crisis. Isn’t that news?
WaPo will, finally, charge online March 18, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Anti-paywall forces routed in the US; attention shifts to Kings Cross
On Ryan budget plan, Wonkblog shines March 14, 2013 By David Cay Johnston WashPost’s crew stands above a generally middling performance by the press