‘Bitter Pill’–the aftereffects An interview with Steven Brill about reactions to his groundbreaking Time article about the forces behind the high cost of healthcare June 11, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman
On Plan B: a Dart for Dr. Manny April 11, 2013 By Sibyl Shalo Wilmont A physician toes the party line on emergency contraceptives, and science takes a hit
Doctors and nurse practitioners: beyond the turf wars April 4, 2013 By Sibyl Shalo Wilmont Research shows nurse practitioners are as good as MDs at primary care, where there is a big shortage. But who knows about it?
Obamacare and the business angle: innovative coverage April 3, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman A tip of the hat to Inc. and The New York Times
Exchange Watch: Navigating the insurance jungle March 26, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman How to cover your local healthcare exchange: a primer
Hiking America’s food deserts March 22, 2013 By Sibyl Shalo Wilmont The Food Police (part 2): Tools for adding context to stories about the soda-ban battle, and other tales of nutrition
Medicare Uncovered: Smoke signals from Fox News Sunday March 21, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman You might want to watch your wallet: Dems and the GOP hint they are close on cuts
Brill’s big breakthrough March 5, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman A Time manifesto on healthcare costs smashes fences that have constricted this conversation for far too long
Policing the food police (part 1): the assault on salt February 28, 2013 By Sibyl Shalo Wilmont Covering government efforts to improve the nation’s eating habits is more complicated than it seems
Healthcare costs: A moment of clarity February 27, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman Steve Brill stands his ground on ABC
Medicare Uncovered: What’s in a name? February 26, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman The GOP puts some new lipstick on an old idea: vouchers
The Big Boys: An affordability puzzle February 25, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman Healthcare Insurers push a one-sided meme, and the press runs with it
Exchange Watch: growing pains in Connecticut February 19, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman Is the state’s model insurance plan unaffordable?
Medicare Uncovered: What the president said, and didn’t say February 14, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman The search for hidden meanings in the reform rhetoric