Audit Notes: paying for news edition December 5, 2012 By Ryan Chittum NYT cuts would surely have been much worse without its paywall
Audit Notes: marginal taxes, a redesign for core readers, Murdoch November 20, 2012 By Ryan Chittum An NYT’s anecdote’s confusion goes uncorrected
Audit Notes: hustled, Brauchli fallout, NYT’s Walmart impact November 19, 2012 By Ryan Chittum ProPublica connects the dots on a former Countrywide executive named in a DOJ lawsuit
The media’s woman blaming November 16, 2012 By Jennifer Vanasco Most coverage wrongly blames Paula Broadwell for leading Gen. David Petraeus astray
Historic votes, hidden from live coverage November 12, 2012 By Jennifer Vanasco The four gay marriage votes in last week’s election were hard to follow in real-time
What’s happening at the BBC November 11, 2012 By Emily Bell The Corporation is facing a serious challenge to its future and to its independence
It’s about the info, not the outlet November 2, 2012 By Anna Codrea-Rado Google’s mapped information on Sandy topped anything news organizations offered
The Frankenstorm exception October 29, 2012 By Kira Goldenberg Will lowered paywalls mean new customers?
The paywall prevents a deeper downturn at the NYT October 26, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Digital subs keep a weak earnings report from turning into a disastrous one
Audit Notes: NYT scoop, Freddie’s anti-stimulus, Wired on making stuff October 26, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Riches for the family of a top Chinese official
The NYT unseals a private-equity scoop October 12, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Emails between executives look like antitrust smoking guns
Audit Notes: NYT’s Web bonanza, Doctor on paywalls, capital gains taxes September 28, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The paper sells its stake in a jobs site for a stunning profit
The capital gains preference September 26, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Why Mitt Romney’s taxes are so low and whether economics justifies it
Audit Notes: NYT and Bain, Dimon’s Comp Committee, 401(k)s September 13, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Too much focus on Romney, who left the company years before the alleged collusion
The Facebook blame game September 8, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The NYT’s Sorkin shifts focus from the bankers