Addressing the asymmetry question Factchecking is the wrong format December 11, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan
News Organizations That Lobby Against Their Own Reporters’ Interests March 27, 2012 By Steven Waldman Media companies are fighting political transparency while their reporters demand it
Inspecting Local TV’s “Public Inspection Files” March 20, 2012 By The Editors CJR explores the filing cabinets in five states
Repaving the Trail March 14, 2012 By Justin Peters Campaign reporting can be terrible. Here’s how to make it better.
When JFK made Santorum sick March 6, 2012 By Erika Fry The press was too slow to supply the larger context
The World’s Dumbest Press Conference March 5, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan How coverage of Joe Arpaio’s birtherism threatens to make the myth worse
Countering Misinformation: Tips for Journalists February 29, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan Avoid negations, use graphics, and get the story right the first time!
What Santorum Didn’t Say February 22, 2012 By Greg Marx On "phony ideology," some coverage misses a distinction
The Elusive Hunt for the ‘Real Romney’ February 16, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan How the search for a politician’s true identity leads to pathological media coverage
Voters to Press: Tell Us Where the Candidates Stand January 25, 2012 By Erika Fry In South Carolina, readers look to local papers for the basics
Newt Gingrich, Media Critic January 23, 2012 By Erika Fry Primary night in South Carolina, Gingrich and supporters sound off on press
What I Saw at the South Carolina Debate January 20, 2012 By Erika Fry Or, how campaign coverage is like industrial farming
Local TV News, Meet the Internet December 29, 2011 By Steven Waldman Why are broadcasters trying to block political campaign transparency?