Addressing the asymmetry question Factchecking is the wrong format December 11, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan
The over-covered image war May 21, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan Journalists are exaggerating the risk that Mitt Romney will be "defined" early
The entirely predictable failure of Americans Elect May 18, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan A little poli-sci—or just recent history—would have helped pundits avoid the hype
Out of the living room, onto the trail May 17, 2012 By Walter Shapiro To gauge what’s really happening in the TV ad war, reporters need to talk to voters
For TV, campaigns create big winners, (relative) losers May 15, 2012 By Erika Fry Political ads may not be all "gravy" for local stations—but they’re still an awfully good deal
Mapmaker, mapmaker, make me a map… May 10, 2012 By Walter Shapiro A glut of "swing-state" stories risks inspiring false certainty about the coming election
New rules on political ads: how to mine them May 4, 2012 By Steven Waldman Finding gold may require a group effort
In an age of walled-off candidates, longing for LBJ May 3, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Caro’s latest opus offers a strong case for the enduring value of journalistic access
Network Anchors for Romney? April 30, 2012 By Elizabeth Wilner and Ken Goldstein Campaign ads are making greater use of TV news footage. Is that a problem?
From Etch a Sketch to Hilary Rosen April 26, 2012 By Walter Shapiro The new Rule Book for reporting on outbreaks of feigned outrage
The Campaign-Finance Stories That Don’t Get Written April 18, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Consultants and insiders feed the fundraising frenzy. How much do they make, anyway?
The Dangers of Silly Season April 13, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan How bored reporters and social media can hype fake controversies and spread misinformation
Who Got The Fox News Vote? April 3, 2012 By Walter Shapiro In hours of pre-primary coverage, Rick Santorum was hard to find
Does Fact-Checking Work? False Statements are Wrong Metric March 30, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan By naming and shaming worst offenders, reporters can make a difference
Why is the Press So Ready to Count Santorum Out? March 28, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Voters think their primary choices still matter
Little Context for Obama Energy Speech in Ohio March 27, 2012 By Curtis Brainard Local reports present a war of words without much fact checking