Addressing the asymmetry question Factchecking is the wrong format December 11, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan
The good old days of the Nixon campaign July 13, 2012 By Walter Shapiro A look back at a 1968 classic shows just how inaccessible candidates have become
Rehashing the debate about when Romney left Bain July 12, 2012 By Greg Marx After a much-discussed Boston Globe story, stands by its take
In defense of covering position papers and official statements July 9, 2012 By Greg Marx Most of the time, what politicians say is what they’ll do
Why is ‘issue coverage’ so boring—and often wrong? July 5, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Slavish fidelity to campaign position papers and official statements short-changes voters
‘Turning point’ claims ‘in tatters’ June 29, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan After historic health care decision, some commentators set out on fruitless search for campaign narrative
The new media narrative: ‘no-policy’ Romney June 27, 2012 By Greg Marx Three things reporters should remember as they press Romney for policy details
Another recommended LAT read on campaign finance June 26, 2012 By Liz Cox Barrett The paper offers a timely look at the disclosure fight
Embracing the myth of the campaign wizard, again June 21, 2012 By Walter Shapiro The Jim Messina profile industry is part of a long tradition
Smart Post piece asks: Do campaign ads work? June 15, 2012 By Greg Marx Campaign cash is eye-popping, but impact at presidential level is likely limited
Why can’t the press let politicians have principles? June 14, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Plus: HuffPost’s good work on campaign consultants, and a better way to cover gaffes
Do campaign gaffes matter? Not to voters June 13, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan Overhyped gaffe coverage is a sign that editors should shift resources to other stories
Journalists: do no harm! May 31, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan If you must cover the birthers, here’s an annotated how-to
Things that go Trump in the night May 31, 2012 By Walter Shapiro The Donald’s birther circus recalls McCarthy’s "card-carrying Communists"
LA Times tries to unmask dark money donors May 30, 2012 By Greg Marx But story’s greatest virtue may be its look at where campaign cash goes
Many stations don’t factcheck super PAC ads: survey May 24, 2012 By Justin Peters Conference highlights difference in attitudes between industry, watchdog groups