Addressing the asymmetry question Factchecking is the wrong format December 11, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan
When factcheckers get trigger-happy September 6, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan A checklist to help journalists decide when to take aim
Speeding up the factcheck cycle September 4, 2012 By Justin Peters The response to Paul Ryan’s misleading speech was swift and stern—except in the next morning’s front-page stories. Can journalists change that?
One last night on the outskirts in Tampa August 31, 2012 By Justin Peters Welsh cakes, a protest that wasn’t, and the rest of the scene from the RNC
How ‘half true’ happens August 30, 2012 By Justin Peters Our correspondent sits in as PolitiFact editors rate Nikki Haley’s claim
Ignored factchecks and the media’s crisis of confidence August 30, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan Whatever campaigns may do, aggressive truth-telling is the right approach for reporters
Conventions: A great learning opportunity for voters August 28, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan Why the debate over a lack of news misses the point
In defense of convention coverage August 27, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Thoughts from a veteran political reporter who still gets butterflies
What makes Mitt tick? August 20, 2012 By Walter Shapiro We need more tick-tock from the press pack about why Romney chose Paul Ryan
The best political listening tour August 10, 2012 By Walter Shapiro “Ordinary person” quotes in political stories can be banal. But when reporters invest the time, they can hear so much more
Another factchecking fiasco August 7, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan Journalistic failure in coverage of Harry Reid and his mysterious source
Why did Mitt Romney really go to Israel? August 3, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Despite what you read, it probably had little to do with wooing undecided Jewish voters
The Gore-ing of Mitt Romney August 2, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan Poisonous cycle of gotcha coverage and access restrictions recalls an earlier campaign
The real question about Romney’s Bain career July 23, 2012 By Greg Marx How, exactly, did his business career prepare the candidate to be president?
The Globe advances the Romney/Bain story July 20, 2012 By Greg Marx Meanwhile, MoJo digs into Romney’s investments in offshoring
How to handle oppo research? July 20, 2012 By Walter Shapiro It’s simple: If your scoop got a helpful boost from a campaign, let readers know