The New York Times on making do in retirement Floyd Norris' excellent column about pensions also provides a warning about healthcare December 10, 2014 By Trudy Lieberman
How do you catch a candidate and pin him down? August 12, 2014 By Trudy Lieberman MinnPost asked Sen. Al Franken’s challenger nine times what he’d do about Medicare and Social Security. The exchange is illuminating for reporters and voters.
CNN sows confusion October 23, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman An interview with Sen. Angus King about the unfolding budget negotiations, Medicare, and Social Security–minus follow-up questions or clarifications
A laurel to Time‘s ‘Battleland’ blog July 17, 2013 By David Cay Johnston Winslow Wheeler’s posts show how the Pentagon uses its own inflation adjuster to make the case for more spending
Disability, Social Security, and the missing context May 31, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman As a trustees report comes out, a This American Life piece provides an unfortunate example of incomplete reporting
Planet 401(k): Tom Friedman’s bleak vision May 3, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman Elites are debating the shape of our future. It’s time for some mainstream reporting to deepen the discussion
The coming retirement-security crisis: let’s get real April 23, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman A Laurel to Michael Lind for trying to start the conversation
Chained CPI: A broken link at NPR April 11, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman For a massive change to Social Security, ‘he-said/she-said’ reporting just doesn’t cut it
A hat-tip to Investor’s Business Daily March 15, 2013 By David Cay Johnston A sharp blog post underscores the radical vision behind the Ryan budget
Take this fiscal pop quiz March 15, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman Test your knowledge about federal spending–and federal-spending myths
The enduring myth of the Greedy Geezer March 14, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman The press too easily accepts the young vs. old frame on the Social Security debate
What’s on the chopping block? February 12, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman The great sequestration guessing game: What will Democrats surrender?
Medicare Uncovered: parsing Senator Corker’s big bill February 5, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman A primer for reporters on a significant bill
Medicare Uncovered: Corker and his bill February 4, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman The press needs to move out of its comfort zone
USP Notes: NYT on Fix the Debt, ProPublica on ‘Democratic Grandmas’ January 10, 2013 By Greg Marx Private interests behind a public debate, and the unusual source of some campaign data