How political campaigns use Twitter to shape media coverage The Romney and Obama teams used social media to manipulate media narratives during 2012 debates December 9, 2014 By David Uberti
Ask Obama This: Will we have to be older to get Medicare? October 26, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman We know about Romney’s vouchers, but the president is quiet on the subject of raising eligibility
No debate about environment October 4, 2012 By Curtis Brainard Hopes for questions about climate, public lands fall flat
Audit Notes: China slows, Romney’s taxes, copyright August 27, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Inventories pile up, posing another threat to the global economy
Medicare, Paul Ryan, and beyond: a primer August 15, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Here’s context to clarify the big entitlements debates
Audit Notes: Romney’s Ryan taxes, FDR or Ayn Rand, Morton Mintz August 14, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The Atlantic on what would be Mitt’s “Path to Prosperity”
False balance on Romney’s bogus welfare reform attack August 10, 2012 By Ryan Chittum He said-she said from the FT, and a weak showing from the WSJ
Romney likes Israeli healthcare August 6, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman And the press takes a look at what it is. Whoa!
False balance and the Medicare scare July 26, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Who’s been telling the truth in Florida?
Listen: CJR staffer on Politico and media criticism June 12, 2012 By Kira Goldenberg "I understand why a[n] … outlet like Politico would focus primarily on the political implications, but I don’t think that represents real media criticism”
The Disingenuous WSJ Opinion Pages June 8, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Bogus arguments from Phil Gramm, Glenn Hubbard, and Peggy Noonan
Politico goes for ‘fair and balanced’ June 6, 2012 By Peter Sterne And it succeeds, in the Fox News sense
The word on the street: frustrated June 1, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Listening to voters at a Pennsylvania Walmart