Required skimming: entertainment industry August 23, 2012 By Sara Morrison Get the inside scoop on all the Botoxed faces
Required skimming: Euro crisis August 22, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Understand all the overseas finance stuff that nobody gets
Required skimming: media news aggregators not named Romenesko August 21, 2012 By Michael Canyon Meyer (Only because everyone knows about him already)
Required skimming: pop culture August 20, 2012 By Sara Morrison More than enough snark to get you through a workday
Required skimming: unemployment August 17, 2012 By Dean Starkman Get the facts about the jobs figures
Required skimming: how campaigns work August 14, 2012 By Greg Marx Learn how the wonks view the horse race
Required skimming: higher education August 13, 2012 By Peter Sterne As back-to-school time approaches, here’s how to stay educated about education
Required skimming: space and astronomy August 10, 2012 By Curtis Brainard Satisfy your "Curiosity" about space
Required skimming: hyperlocal August 9, 2012 By Kira Goldenberg Where to learn about game plans for covering local news in an ever-more-digital world
Required skimming: healthcare politics and policy August 8, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Channeling the inner wonk
Required skimming: Libor August 6, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Understand and keep up to speed with England’s bank rate rigging scandal
Required skimming: literary criticism August 3, 2012 By Justin Peters Keep abreast of what the bookish thinkers are thinking