Q&A: How can newsrooms better serve communities of color? The American Press Institute’s new Inclusion Index aims to analyze and enhance coverage of communities of color. February 15, 2023 By Jem Bartholomew
Podcast: The ethics of BuzzFeed’s decision to publish Trump-Russia memos January 13, 2017 By David Uberti
The intersection of race, sports and culture: Kevin Merida and The Undefeated January 10, 2017 By Carlett Spike
ESPN’s The Undefeated off the ground February 12, 2015 By Chris Ip Jason Whitlock’s long delayed race and sports site launches first story
The New Republic relaunch features… The New Republic February 5, 2015 By Chris Ip The magazine’s first issue since staff shakeup burnishes its new image
What will happen to The New York Times‘ race beat? January 28, 2015 By Chris Ip It’s uncertain if the newspaper will replace Tanzina Vega, who is moving to the metro desk
Media raises criticism in Eric Garner case December 4, 2014 By David Uberti News outlets from across the spectrum question a grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo
Must-reads of the week July 18, 2014 By The Editors Somaly Mam, the race beat and America’s ‘records of carnage.’
A long-time science reporter wrote a questionable book on genetics. Can we trust his other work? July 17, 2014 By Chris Ip The case of Nicholas Wade and reporting on a lively field with a dishonorable past
Must-reads of the week June 13, 2014 By The Editors BuzzFeed, the racism beat, and turning 14 in Cincinnati
South African welfare queens gorge on lamb and macaroni as anecdotal Bloomberg fails data test February 27, 2014 By Ryan Chittum The wire misses badly
Telling the tale of two young black men July 23, 2013 By Alexis Sobel Fitts A bungled case, a villain, and a slew of sympathetic, media-savvy advocates pushed Trayvon Martin’s tragedy into national headlines–but should it take such a perfect storm?