No, the scandals aren’t dragging down Obama’s ratings (yet) Some reporters seize on an outlier poll, but others get the story right June 3, 2013 By Brendan Nyhan
Medicare Uncovered: What the president said, and didn’t say February 14, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman The search for hidden meanings in the reform rhetoric
Pinning Down the President December 15, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman Challenging Obama for overpromising on health care
WaPo’s Misleading Social Security Piece November 8, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman Article doesn’t come close to telling the whole story
Obama’s Twitter Townhall July 6, 2011 By Erika Fry "Win win" for White House and Twitter, 140 characters for everyone else
On Monetary Policy and Presidential Politics June 2, 2011 By Greg Marx The next election may depend on the economy. So where are the efforts to fix it?
NYT On Why Journalists Like to Compare Presidents May 16, 2011 By Joel Meares Did anybody think to ask journalists?
Presidential "Outburst" Much Ado About Nothing April 20, 2011 By Joel Meares But Obama could have offered alternative critique
Conservatives Get Colorful on Obama’s Deficit Speech April 14, 2011 By Joel Meares More subdued libs are mostly pleased