Disguising ads as stories "Storytelling" and "storytellers" have become code words for corporatized news February 10, 2015 By Damaris Colhoun
For Detroit’s alt-weekly, rising ambition and a few questionable decisions July 17, 2014 By Anna Clark Native ads can be OK–just be clear with readers, and please keep them off the cover!
Business Insider goes native May 7, 2013 By Ryan Chittum All but erasing the line between editorial and marketing
Audit Notes: Noonan forgets the stimulus, native ads, Mary Jo White March 11, 2013 By Ryan Chittum The WSJ columnist says Obama should have done things he actually did
Content economics, part 1: advertising February 22, 2013 By Felix Salmon The dismal state of ads in online publishing
Native ads’ existential problem January 15, 2013 By Dean Starkman L’affaire Atlantic/Scientology points up the format’s built-in problems for news