The LA Times may emerge from turmoil as a model of digital success. It may not. June 8, 2016 By David Uberti
The Ford Foundation’s unprecedented grant to The Los Angeles Times May 22, 2012 By Michael Canyon Meyer And what for-profit/ nonprofit partnerships mean in the age of Sam Zell
The Case of the Disappearing Benefits Statements April 2, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman A good piece from the Los Angeles Times
Subprime Déjà Vu November 1, 2011 By Ryan Chittum The Los Angeles Times investigates the Buy Here Pay Here car market
Pulitzer Winners Go Behind the Scenes of Their Stories October 5, 2011 By Alysia Santo Reaching for the high-hanging fruit
Amazon’s California Tax Battle September 6, 2011 By Ryan Chittum Fighting to delay the end of its unfair advantage
The Littlest Press Shop April 4, 2011 By Joel Meares Sacramento reporters like Brown’s scaled-back press approach; mostly
Audit Notes: Banks Mislead, The South and Unions, Shareholder Capitalism March 29, 2011 By Ryan Chittum
Tele-what? January 6, 2011 By Neil Versel Reporters must embrace the future with coverage of remote health monitoring