The LA Times may emerge from turmoil as a model of digital success. It may not. June 8, 2016 By David Uberti
The undercovered dark cloud in the shrinking-deficit story May 30, 2013 By David Cay Johnston Flurry of articles was welcome, but some cautionary notes deserved greater play
The Koch brothers’ media investment [UPDATED] April 22, 2013 By Sasha Chavkin They are maneuvering to buy the Tribune chain. A look at gives some clues about what that might mean
Audit Notes: Reinflating the bubble, Nader in the WSJ April 16, 2013 By Ryan Chittum The LA Times reports on a new rush in Southern California
Flooding the apathy zone March 27, 2013 By John Mecklin The Los Angeles Times sends a team of reporters and a star columnist to battle civic disengagement, with impressive results–even if turnout was only 16 percent
On Ryan budget plan, Wonkblog shines March 14, 2013 By David Cay Johnston WashPost’s crew stands above a generally middling performance by the press
Commercialization of the academy: diet supplements edition February 27, 2013 By Ryan Chittum The LAT’s Hiltzik on professors who hawk Herbalife
People aren’t too worried about the sequester. Is the media to blame? February 22, 2013 By David Cay Johnston Coverage is too often dull or absent, but NYT piece on air travel is a standout
One document, many interpretations February 7, 2013 By David Cay Johnston Varied takes on CBO report show "the media" is a competitive market, not a monolith
Major papers’ longform meltdown January 17, 2013 By Dean Starkman Stories longer than 2,000 words down 86 percent at the LAT since 2003, 50 percent at WaPo, etc.
The president’s lady problem January 11, 2013 By Jennifer Vanasco News outlets were right to report on Obama’s track record of hiring women, but that’s not the only type of diversity to keep in mind
Factchecking the ‘gifts’ theory of politics November 15, 2012 By Greg Marx LAT, NYT break news on Mitt Romney’s remarks—and also offer a skeptical look
Audit Notes: BLS BS, another print turnaround forecast, deficits October 9, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The LAT and CNBC let Jack Welch frame the jobs numbers
Don’t posit ‘what women think’ without quoting any August 31, 2012 By Jennifer Vanasco Coverage of Ann Romney’s RNC speech said she connected with women, but no female voices in the stories verified the claim
Audit Notes: California’s Enron echoes, Sox toolbox, the Dow’s decade August 5, 2012 By Ryan Chittum LAT on allegations that JPMorgan manipulated markets
Amazon’s California tax squeeze May 31, 2012 By Ryan Chittum A WSJ follow story waters down an LAT scoop from two weeks ago