Oregon governor’s resignation shows power of local media In-state journalists brought down John Kitzhaber without national outlets' help February 19, 2015 By David Uberti
Dangerous drug side effects will no longer be secret in Canada July 17, 2014 By Trudy Lieberman Kudos to the Toronto Star for dogged investigations and pressure on a reluctant government agency
A laurel to ProPublica May 2, 2014 By Edirin Oputu A superlative investigative piece examines the resegregation of America’s schools
The coming retirement-security crisis: let’s get real April 23, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman A Laurel to Michael Lind for trying to start the conversation
Insult to injury: stolen wages, weak enforcement March 18, 2013 By Corey Hutchins A Laurel to In These Times for a solid expose
The realities of long-term care in America January 10, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman A Laurel to PBS’s Need To Know
A dart to the AP—and a laurel! August 31, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Good work on fact-checking speeches; on Social Security, not so much