Oxford on paying for news online Young people are far more likely to pony up than older readers June 28, 2013 By Ryan Chittum
Hello to Symbolia December 3, 2012 By Jessica Weisberg New iPad-only comics journalism magazine launches today
Audit Notes: Charles Murray’s Lunch, Morgenson on Fairfax, Knight-Ridder’s iPad March 12, 2012 By Ryan Chittum
iPad Magazines: Just a Little Bit of History Repeating June 21, 2011 By Zachary Sniderman Tablet news following a pattern as old as paper itself
The Daily’s Next Challenge February 15, 2011 By The Editors What can the iPad newspaper do to make itself relevant?
Salon and Slate in the Way-Back Machine February 4, 2011 By Lauren Kirchner What The Daily can learn from an earlier “digital renaissance”
The Daily for iPad is On Its Way November 22, 2010 By Lauren Kirchner Rupert Murdoch skips the web, goes straight for the store