Nonprofits are still a drop in the news bucket June 10, 2013 By Dean Starkman And there isn’t a growth story
‘The future is medieval’ June 7, 2013 By Dean Starkman A discussion with the scholars behind the “Gutenberg Parenthesis,” a sweeping theory of digital—and journalism—transformation
The other IRS target: the press May 16, 2013 By Ryan Chittum The nonprofit news experience undermines the Tea Party targeting outrage
Audit Notes: Student loan profits, paywall incentives, postal banking May 15, 2013 By Ryan Chittum The Huffington Post on a government bonanza
Business Insider goes native May 7, 2013 By Ryan Chittum All but erasing the line between editorial and marketing
An ink-stained stretch May 1, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Can Aaron Kushner save the Orange County Register–and the newspaper industry?
New York Times paywall growth slows April 26, 2013 By Ryan Chittum But it remains to be seen whether that’s a one-quarter blip or the new normal
The social media tail mustn’t wag the MSM dog April 22, 2013 By Felix Salmon A crowdsourced hunt for the bombers was unambiguously counterproductive
On a wild night of news, a remarkable press performance April 19, 2013 By Ryan Chittum While Reddit fails again
Paywalls did not cause the fall of WSJ longform April 17, 2013 By Ryan Chittum The Atlantic‘s Alexis Madrigal misses the Murdoch
Audit Notes: The paywall problem, Thatcherism, Googlebots April 11, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Keeping out the youth of America
Paywalls rise March 28, 2013 By Felix Salmon Breaking out sticks as well as carrots to get readers to pay
Audit Notes: WaPo hamster wheel,, bureaucracy’s upside March 21, 2013 By Ryan Chittum "At least a dozen pieces of content per day"