Hey readers: They’re bluffing! (maybe) The need to put political bargaining positions in context January 15, 2013 By Brendan Nyhan
Stories I’d like to see January 9, 2013 By Steven Brill Medicare meddling, the guns of Westchester, and Al Gore’s payday
If you were John Boehner, you’d cry too January 4, 2013 By Brendan Nyhan Why journalists should put the struggles of the House speaker in a larger context
The money behind the fiscal cliff hardliners January 3, 2013 By Sasha Chavkin Plan B opponents drew major support from outside groups. What does that mean?
Faces Congress doesn’t see December 21, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman The “chained CPI” debate needs to step out of wonkland
Needed: Sherpas to guide us through fiscal cliff panic December 19, 2012 By Walter Shapiro No one wants to hike middle-class rates, so why does some coverage pretend they might rise?
The media discover the ‘chained CPI’ December 17, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman And the more they dig, the rougher it looks
A thin Post piece on the cliff’s consequences December 13, 2012 By David Cay Johnston Article on purported impact of tax shift favors assumptions and anecdotes over data
The making of a meme December 11, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Journos get on board the Let’s-Whack-Entitlements train
Cracking open Congress December 7, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan We need better insider reporting about the "fiscal cliff"
Hot air Rises Above on CNBC November 30, 2012 By Ryan Chittum An anchor pins a minor dip in stocks on the TV appearance of a minor politician
Rise Above, CNBC’s move into advocacy November 20, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Corporate America’s house organ starts an anti-political political campaign
Who really holds leverage on Bush tax cuts? November 13, 2012 By Greg Marx Bloomberg’s Barro argues even post-"cliff," GOP would have the upper hand
The fiscal whatchamacallit November 9, 2012 By Greg Marx Media’s embrace of “fiscal cliff” obscures the real story about budget negotiations