Daily Caller editor doubles down on Menendez ‘scoop’ Until The Washington Post's story that it was a Cuban plot is proven true, Tucker Carlson says, there is nothing to correct July 9, 2014 By David Uberti
About those prostitutes March 5, 2013 By Mariah Blake In the Menendez affair, ABC News is looking better and better for having stepped away from a story that the Daily Caller is still trying to flog
Anatomy of a so-called scandal (UPDATED) March 4, 2013 By Mariah Blake On the Sen. Menendez story, flimsy prostitution claims vs. stronger allegations of influence-peddling. Guess which gets more play?
A Web survey isn’t a poll, CNBC October 12, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The network’s tweet creates a misleading media narrative on the veep debate
New Scandal: Approach With Caution (UPDATED) March 8, 2011 By Joel Meares NPR, Schiller, O’Keefe, and the benefits of a breather