Bloomberg News’s deepening China problem March 21, 2014 By Dean Starkman Chairman’s remarks raise serious questions about the news division’s mission in a key market
South African welfare queens gorge on lamb and macaroni as anecdotal Bloomberg fails data test February 27, 2014 By Ryan Chittum The wire misses badly
Statistical illusions February 17, 2014 By Ryan Chittum How readers perceive numbers is important too
Bloomberg’s viral misquote January 29, 2014 By Ryan Chittum Big Pharma CEO Marijn Dekkers didn’t quite say what they said he did
Audit Notes: Bloomberg’s big impact; WSJ good on EU inflation, bad on crediting NYT January 28, 2014 By Ryan Chittum Trading behaviors changed in the wake of the wire’s foreign-exchange investigation
The Daily Show‘s jab at Gretchen Morgenson December 13, 2013 By Ryan Chittum NYT’s watchdog extraordinaire is not the poster girl for a complacent press
Audit Notes: Steve Jobs’ liver, NYT v. Bloomberg, WSJ overkill December 10, 2013 By Ryan Chittum The Commercial Appeal uncovers a conflict with the late Apple chief’s surgeon
Audit Notes: Bloomberg FX scoop, Coke and Swaziland, November 20, 2013 By Ryan Chittum A new wrinkle on the foreign-exchange trading scandal
Bloomberg News at a crossroads November 11, 2013 By Dean Starkman Allegations that it spiked a China investigation shine a light on its business model
How billionaires get around the estate tax September 17, 2013 By David Cay Johnston A stellar Bloomberg article uses the Waltons as a case study
Bloomberg as the anti-News Corp. August 21, 2013 By Dean Starkman Its transparent handling of snooping allegations starkly contrasts with News Corp. cover-ups
Audit Notes: Another Obama fraud stat unravels, doctor cartel, NYT August 12, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Bloomberg helps uncover wildly inflated mortgage prosecution numbers
High Noon for film incentives July 19, 2013 By Joel Campbell The states are trying to outgun each other to lure movie production–a chance for reporters to analyze the returns on these big investments
Audit Notes: Bloomberg apologizes, Snow Fall re-imagined, Carr on Advance May 13, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Winkler admits reporters should never have had access to customer data
Bloomberg on the impacts of inequality December 17, 2012 By Ryan Chittum One longtime McDonald’s worker’s story says a lot about the economy