Changing the US hostage policy December 8, 2014 By Joel Simon Obama’s review of kidnappings is a good first step, but it isn’t enough
Will reporters miss the real story on the State of the Union again? January 27, 2014 By Brendan Nyhan The policy consequences are far more important than the speech’s political effects
Stories versus evidence on Obama’s fate December 12, 2013 By Brendan Nyhan The never-ending cycle of presidential doom and recovery narratives
No, the scandals aren’t dragging down Obama’s ratings (yet) June 3, 2013 By Brendan Nyhan Some reporters seize on an outlier poll, but others get the story right
Audit Notes: Noonan forgets the stimulus, native ads, Mary Jo White March 11, 2013 By Ryan Chittum The WSJ columnist says Obama should have done things he actually did
And that’s the way it was: February 22, 1924 February 22, 2013 By The Editors Calvin Coolidge broadcasts the first presidential radio address to the American public
Climate policy, act two January 23, 2013 By Curtis Brainard Reactions to Obama’s second inaugural overlook Skocpol report
Can the media avoid inaugural over-hype? January 18, 2013 By Walter Shapiro A little over-emoting is inevitable, but there are some cliches we can do without
Must-reads of 2012: politics December 26, 2012 By Liz Cox Barrett and Greg Marx What you should have read (in case you didn’t)
Beware Green Lantern thinking in gun policy coverage December 20, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan The president isn’t as powerful as you think
Big data, in the dark December 10, 2012 By Sam Petulla Lack of transparency around campaigns’ use of data creates challenges for reporters
Factchecking the ‘gifts’ theory of politics November 15, 2012 By Greg Marx LAT, NYT break news on Mitt Romney’s remarks—and also offer a skeptical look