How journalists should reframe the encryption debate Privacy concerns need to be addressed February 26, 2015 By Kelly J O'Brien
Q&A: An Apple critic with plenty to say August 21, 2014 By Chris Ip John Siracusa’s legendary – and lengthy – Apple reviews reach their 15th year
Apple should be like Bloomberg October 29, 2013 By Felix Salmon WSJ columnists spar over whether the company should financialize itself
Suddenly, a ray of hope for the Post August 8, 2013 By Dan Froomkin Bezos purchase may be a last chance for newsrooms to become "nerve centers for the Internet"
And that’s the way it was: April 11, 1976 April 11, 2013 By The Editors The first Apple computer is created
The press sours a bit on Apple September 13, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The company’s control of its narrative is loosened by leaks
Misleading and incomplete coverage of Apple’s ‘record’ value (CORRECTED) August 20, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Microsoft’s 1999 market cap still, by far, bigger
The WSJ on the fall of Nokia July 20, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The company that foresaw an iPhone-like device in 2000 is left in the dust
3 things big media can do to save independent journalism May 3, 2012 By The Editors This is adapted from Rebecca MacKinnon’s 2012 Hearst New Media Lecture, given at Columbia’s J-school on April 19
Collateral damage: news organizations, free speech, and the Internet May 3, 2012 By Rebecca MacKinnon This is the text of this year’s Hearst New Media Lecture, given April 19 at the Columbia Journalism School
On the Media silent on NPR retraction April 30, 2012 By Justin D. Martin The show should address This American Life‘s disavowal of its Mike Daisey story
Ebooks and Antitrust April 11, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The Justice Department sues Apple and five book publishers for fighting Amazon
Ira Glass’s Casablanca Moment with Mike Daisey March 20, 2012 By Lawrence Pintak A classy confession doesn’t negate the crime