On Connecticut’s ‘Gold Coast,’ a local news incubator Fairfield County is swamped with hyperlocal experiments that hold broader aspirations March 25, 2014 By Marie K. Shanahan
Patch, back in the news cycle December 16, 2013 By Noah Hurowitz David Carr forecasts Patch’s demise; others debate, but few, other than AOL CEO Tim Armstrong, disagree
Patch delays layoffs August 9, 2013 By Alexis Sobel Fitts Hyperlocal hopes to match least profitable sites with local partners
Some background on Patch August 8, 2013 By Kira Goldenberg Patch is reportedly laying off as many as 500 employees on Friday. Last year, CJR covered the company’s early days
AOL Settled with Unpaid “Volunteers” for $15 Million February 10, 2011 By Lauren Kirchner Why the HuffPost bloggers won’t be so lucky, and why that matters
After AOL/HuffPo Merger, a Columnist Jumps Ship February 10, 2011 By Joel Meares Politics Daily’s Matt Lewis won’t work for Arianna
Huffington Post Goes Supersonic February 8, 2011 By The Editors What do you love/hate about The Huffington Post?
The Huffington Post’s Tainted Money February 7, 2011 By Ryan Chittum The befuddled legacy customers of AOL fund a bubble-era premium for Arianna & Company
Will HuffProse Infect AOL? February 7, 2011 By Joel Meares The politics of the Huffington Post/AOL merger
Parsing the AOL/HuffPo Merger February 7, 2011 By Lauren Kirchner What everyone gets out of the deal, and what to look for next
Audit Notes: Hamster Wheel Manifesto, Shorts and the Bubble, Economy Picks Up February 1, 2011 By Ryan Chittum