Audit Notes: The FT does labor reporting, minimum wage, OC Register February 13, 2013 By Ryan Chittum An excellent look inside an Amazon warehouse in the UK
Amazon takes a tax hit, finally January 18, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Reuters reports early signs that collecting sales taxes affected the company’s sales
Audit Notes: Amazon’s shell company, The Lens, Plain Dealer cuts December 14, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Reuters unwinds how the online retail giant avoided taxes via Luxembourg
Amazon sharecroppers November 27, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The Seattle Times on the hometown giant’s uneasy relationship with its merchants
Audit Notes: Amazon and antitrust, techspeak, ‘Peter Drucker with an Afro’ September 12, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The DOJ’s ebook settlement could enable anticompetitive behavior
The Goldman Sachs of online retail July 13, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The FT with a good look at Amazon’s Marketplace platform
Audit Notes: Insufferable in Aspen, Libor, Amazon Marketplace June 29, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Ending universal suffrage intrigues a CNBCer
Amazon’s California tax squeeze May 31, 2012 By Ryan Chittum A WSJ follow story waters down an LAT scoop from two weeks ago
Ebooks and Antitrust April 11, 2012 By Ryan Chittum The Justice Department sues Apple and five book publishers for fighting Amazon
The Seattle Times Takes On Hometown Amazon April 10, 2012 By Ryan Chittum A tough series on the dark side of the booming local company