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Standout 9/11 Coverage

In the sea of anniversary coverage, where to look?
September 13, 2011

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In the tremendous swell of tenth anniversary of 9/11 news coverage and commentary—in print, broadcast, online, on Twitter—what has stood to you, for better or worse?

For Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall, it was a recent story about the people who jumped or fell from the Twin Towers that morning ten years ago. The piece, Marshall wrote on Sunday, was “disturbing and deeply affecting” and “brought me back to that morning in a way I’d never been there before.” CNN political reporter Peter Hamby yesterday recommended “everyone grab a New Yorker” and read George Packer’s “examination of the 9/11 decade” which, Hamby confessed, “thoroughly depressed” him. Poynter’s Julie Moos yesterday gathered together images of some of Sunday’s “most moving” newspaper front pages. A blog post on Sunday by the New York Times‘s Paul Krugman has provoked some some strong reactions.

What—among all the coverage—has stopped you, moved you, rankled you, or haunted you?

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The Editors are the staffers of the Columbia Journalism Review.