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Hard Numbers

Some stats and figures on the news industry
May 1, 2011

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30 percent of visitors to local news and information websites that live outside the site’s market

25 percent of visitors to those same sites that are “fly-bys” who come to a story from an outside link and may not return for another year, if ever

$3.75 what the US spent on public broadcasting per capita in 2008

$90.70 spent by the UK per capita in 2009; Australia spent $34 in 2008, and Canada spent $30 that same year

27 percent of bylines in The New Yorker that featured women’s names in 2010. TNR had 16 percent, TNYRB 15 percent, Harper’s Magazine 21 percent, and The Atlantic 26 percent.

35 percent of CJR magazine bylines in 2010 that were female, according to our back-of-the-envelope math

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$6.95 per month wasn’t too high a paywall for The Augusta Chronicle: pageviews rose 5 percent on the year before in the three months following December’s paywall launch

$9.95 might have been too much for readers of SC’s Greenville News: seven months after its July 2010 launch, monthly visits were down 47 percent on the year before

70 percent of subscription revenue from iPad app sales that goes to the media outlet behind it; Apple banks 30 percent

0 percent of iPad audience data that is shared with the outlets by Apple

Sources: Borrell Associates, Free Press, VIDA, Reflections of a Newsosaur, Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism’s “The State of News Media 2011”

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The Editors are the staffers of the Columbia Journalism Review.