NBC News sets good example for Medicare reporting People perspective leads to clear explanation of impact of proposed changes November 30, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman
Healthcare: Do Americans get too much—or too little? May 7, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman A shout-out to Remapping Debate
Memo to Kevin Drum May 3, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Mediocre stories about Social Security are not okay
Report Card on Social Security Trust Fund Coverage April 27, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman An F for the headlines; a C- for the stories
How the Media Has Shaped the Social Security Debate April 18, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman The press plays a dubious role
EXTRA Unpacks the Media’s Medicare Coverage April 17, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Are journalists writing for doctors or for patients?
The War of the Dentists and their Competitors April 13, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman A shout-out to Kansas Public Radio
WellPoint Raises Rates Again April 6, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman And the national press looks the other way
The Case of the Disappearing Benefits Statements April 2, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman A good piece from the Los Angeles Times
Health Reform and the Supreme Court: Day Three March 29, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman The press reads the tea leaves
Health Reform and the Supreme Court: Day Two March 28, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Press coverage focuses on the individual mandate
Health Reform and the Supreme Court: Day One March 27, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Press coverage offers a little something for everyone
Birthday Coverage for the Affordable Care Act March 22, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman The two faces of health reform
Romney, BuzzFeed, and that "Hidden" Op-Ed March 21, 2012 By Erika Fry Is the press ceding policy-shift reporting to oppo artists?