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Even though it’s a holiday, the blogosphere is hard at work, and so are we.
Mathew Gross, Gov. Howard Dean’s former Director of Internet Communications, opines that “The Dean campaign marks the beginning of the end of the broadcast age in politics, and a change toward more interactive and decentralized campaigning.” Sounds prophetic, but given how the Dean campaign is going, maybe it’s time to rethink that interactive decentralized stuff. (For the full interview check out The American Prospect Online.)
Josh Marshall links to a press conference post-mortem in The Washingtonian. Helen Thomas and Scott McClellan go on the record discussing last Friday’s contentious gaggle:
McClellan: “Helen was asking about trashy rumors. There’s a difference between trashy rumors and journalism. I will not dignify them from the podium.”
Thomas: “I think they are getting pretty nervous about this.”
Instapundit is excited about the prospect of a vice president who is not John Edwards. He thinks the Democrats need to make a “ballsy” choice. “Note to Karl Rove: Make sure you’ve mended every single fence with John McCain. . .”
Calpundit smacks down The Washington Post for an editorial yesterday criticizing Kerry for voting against the 1991 Gulf War but for the 2003 Iraq war. Calpundit: “My real issue with the Post editorial, I think, is that they don’t spend even a sentence explaining what Kerry’s rationale for his votes is.”
Matthew Yglesias, hiding out from blogstalker Wonkette, defends Kerry as “a person who tries to make his foreign policy views responsive to the (changing) facts in the world” in one post, and then, in another, attacks the Post’s as hypocritical because of its own shifting stance on Iraq.
–Thomas Lang
Correction: The original version of this post stated that Sen. John Kerry had voted for the 1991 Gulf War but against the 2003 war in Iraq. In fact, Kerry voted against the 1991 Gulf War and for the resolution authorizing the 2003 war in Iraq. It has been corrected above.
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