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“Do you know who Yushchenko’s wife is?” asks an email from John Podhoretz posted on The Corner. “Turns out he’s married to Kathy Chumachenko, who worked in public liaison when we were at the White House!”
Podhoretz is clearly excited, as is Peter Robinson: “Kathy Chumachenko, now Kathy Yushchenko, was one of the most completely delightful people in the Reagan White House, a Reaganite’s Reaganite.”
Hmmm … might lascivious neocons be dreaming of Margaret Tutwiler in green and red?
Seeing the Forest goes after the New York Times for its piece on the Declaration of Independence controversy in California. The Christian right, writes the Times, is up in arms over the Declaration being banned in a California elementary school classroom. The only problem is that it wasn’t actually banned — something the story only points out in a “he-said, she said manner,” as Seeing The Forest, channeling CJR Daily, puts it. (For an exhaustive, albeit lefty-tinged, rundown of the controversy, click here.)
In other news, Bill Frist may be a doctor, but you probably don’t want him giving you AIDS-prevention tips. Check out this exchange between Frist and George Stephanopoulos, as noted by Crooks and Liars:
Stephanopoulos: You’re a doctor. Do you think tears and sweat can transmit HIV?
Frist: I don’t know … I can tell you.
Stephanopoulos: You don’t know?
Frist: I can tell you things like, like … condoms.
Stephanopoulos: … You believe that tears and sweat might be able to transmit AIDS?
Perhaps, writes Wonkette!, this is the kind of thinking that explains why “we’ve sunk billions of dollars into the these government-funded ‘abstinence education’ courses and they’re still no more educational than looking at cousin Bubba’s Hustler collection behind the Piggly Wiggly.”
Incidentally, everybody’s trying to get readers to vote for them in the Best Blog awards — and they aren’t afraid to play hardball. Writes Megan McArdle: “If you love me, you’ll go over there and vote for me right now. You do love me, don’t you? Because I love you. And if you didn’t vote for me … if I lost … I’d be so heartbroken the tears would just pour right out of my big green eyes and down my porcelain cheeks …”
Finally, over at The MUSC Tiger, we discover that bloggers are now treating Republicans and Democrats the way hack comedians used to treat white people (who drive like this) and black people (who drive like this!). To wit: Republicans say “Merry Christmas!” while Democrats say “Happy Holidays,” Republicans buy their kids guns while Democrat kids have to shoot at each other with dolls, etc. The list has a Democrat-bashing tone, and some of it is pretty off — Dems drink Bud and shop at Wal-Mart? No guys, those are the voters that Democrats wish that they still had.
–Brian Montopoli
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