Victor Pickard on native ads and the new journalism economy A Q&A with the scholar February 27, 2015 By Damaris Colhoun
What game design can do for journalism January 21, 2015 By Lene Bech Sillesen Three newly selected fellows at American University talk about the medium’s future
Should journalists care about the State of the Union address? January 20, 2015 By David Uberti The annual speech no longer packs a punch, and the media is starting to notice
How the media can help Dr. Oz–and his fans January 16, 2015 By Christopher Tedeschi TV doctors have a lot of influence. Rather just than bash their miracle-diet advice, let’s push them to talk about real health solutions
Why we’ll have to wait for CNN’s news drones January 15, 2015 By David Uberti The news organization faces several hurdles before it can use the machines for broadcast
Genius and the splintering of arts journalism January 14, 2015 By Chris Ip For the future of music criticism, Sasha Frere-Jones’ new company cannot replace his old one
What journalists can learn from the faux CNN threat January 13, 2015 By Kelly J O'Brien An increased level of skepticism is necessary when reporting on social media or online forums tested immediately with Charlie Hebdo tragedy January 9, 2015 By David Uberti Andy Carvin’s global, social-media news operation is the latest experiment from First Look Media
Why a Danish newspaper won’t publish the Charlie Hebdo cartoons January 8, 2015 By Lene Bech Sillesen Jyllands-Posten was at the center of a 2005 cartoon crisis. After numerous terror threats, editors chose to play it safe
The looming threat of newsroom cyber attacks January 7, 2015 By David Uberti Recent attacks on the Albuquerque Journal and WBOC reveal the importance of digital security
Lists aren’t the best way to determine freedom December 30, 2014 By Jared Malsin Journalists need to be a little more skeptical when looking at country rankings
To keep or ditch the comments? December 29, 2014 By Alexis Sobel Fitts While some sites maintain a discussion on the page, others outsource it to social media
CJR’s most popular stories of 2014 December 26, 2014 By Sarah Grieco …and what people had to say about them
Guess what? People lie to reporters December 22, 2014 By Rona Kobell Like Jessica Pressler, I got burned once. Here’s what I did about it.
Questioning the CBC’s decision to remove Jian Ghomeshi’s interviews December 19, 2014 By Allison Griner Erasing the past, Q-ing the future?