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Keeping It Brief on Michael’s Briefs

June 1, 2005

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Okay, time to confess. (If Mark Felt — or his lawyer, or his family — can do it, so can we.)

Every once in a while we let our eyes glide away from stories about Social Security, Iraq, filibusters, global warming and political warfare to furtively seek out the latest from the Michael Jackson trial.

As a service to the vast majority of our readers who have never indulged in such a mindless pastime, we urge you to take three minutes and check out this Cliff’s Notes account of the trial.

The Washington Post‘s Libby Copeland obviously knows something that has eluded the Jackson courtroom entourage, as well as most of Hollywood, most of Washington and, yes, most of today’s media.

Less is more.

–Susan Q. Stranahan

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Susan Q. Stranahan wrote for CJR.