The best political listening tour August 10, 2012 By Walter Shapiro “Ordinary person” quotes in political stories can be banal. But when reporters invest the time, they can hear so much more
Why did Mitt Romney really go to Israel? August 3, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Despite what you read, it probably had little to do with wooing undecided Jewish voters
How to handle oppo research? July 20, 2012 By Walter Shapiro It’s simple: If your scoop got a helpful boost from a campaign, let readers know
The good old days of the Nixon campaign July 13, 2012 By Walter Shapiro A look back at a 1968 classic shows just how inaccessible candidates have become
Why is ‘issue coverage’ so boring—and often wrong? July 5, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Slavish fidelity to campaign position papers and official statements short-changes voters
Embracing the myth of the campaign wizard, again June 21, 2012 By Walter Shapiro The Jim Messina profile industry is part of a long tradition
Why can’t the press let politicians have principles? June 14, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Plus: HuffPost’s good work on campaign consultants, and a better way to cover gaffes
Things that go Trump in the night May 31, 2012 By Walter Shapiro The Donald’s birther circus recalls McCarthy’s "card-carrying Communists"
Out of the living room, onto the trail May 17, 2012 By Walter Shapiro To gauge what’s really happening in the TV ad war, reporters need to talk to voters