New from NYT R&D: Quips April 15, 2013 By Sara Morrison Now you can highlight and mark up an online New York Times article just like you would a book
Fifth annual Shorty awards held April 9, 2013 By Sara Morrison Tim Pool, CNN win journalism-related awards
The reporter in the middle of the Aurora shooting trial April 9, 2013 By Sara Morrison’s Jana Winter could be jailed for refusing to reveal her sources
Flipboard upgrades, Guardian signs on March 29, 2013 By Sara Morrison The Guardian gives social sharing another try
No progress for female bylines March 15, 2013 By Sara Morrison VIDA’s latest byline count shows "gross (& indecent) neglect of female writers’ work"
Reuters deputy social media editor indicted March 14, 2013 By Sara Morrison Matthew Keys faces up 25 years in jail and $750,000 in fines
Friend-me journalism March 13, 2013 By Sara Morrison After a rough start, Connie Schultz and a rookie reporter exchange tips and praise
Nate Thayer: freelance plagiarist? March 8, 2013 By Sara Morrison Sloppy, yes. Plagiarist … doesn’t look like it.
Nate Thayer accused of plagiarism [UPDATED] March 7, 2013 By Sara Morrison "I will defend to the death my reporting and attribution of this piece"
Journalism startups struggle to get nonprofit designation March 4, 2013 By Sara Morrison Council on Foundations’s report details how outdated tax codes stymy donation-funded journalism