Do Blumenthal and Lapham Lack A Sense of Humor? October 9, 2006 By Mark Boyer Bloggers debate Jennifer Senior’s unflattering reviews of two books taking aim at the Bush administration.
The Newspaper That the National Media Forgot? October 4, 2006 By Mark Boyer While not as high-profile as New Orleans, the staff of the Biloxi, Miss. Sun Herald stayed at their posts during Katrina, too.
Bloggers on Foley and Hastert’s Future October 3, 2006 By Mark Boyer In a surprise move this morning, the editorial page of the Washington Times declared Dennis Hastert must “resign his speakership at once.”
Bloggers Debate Detainees’ Rights, Habeas Corpus September 29, 2006 By Mark Boyer Bloggers are reacting to the Senate’s approval of the Bush administration’s detainee bill with triumphant glee, cynicism, and dejectedness.
The Scorecard on Clinton V. Wallace September 25, 2006 By Mark Boyer Bill Clinton turned a humdrum interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace into this weekend’s must-see moment.
Spies in the Newsroom September 20, 2006 By Mark Boyer More revelations from the investigation of HP’s attempt to spy on journalists have some bloggers looking for the bigger story.
As Times-Tribune Co. Standoff Grows, Bloggers Take Sides September 19, 2006 By Mark Boyer The standoff between the suits at the Tribune Co. and Los Angeles Times editor Dean Baquet is reaching the level of epic saga.
Journalist Inspires DHS Investigation, ‘Spheric Outrage September 12, 2006 By Mark Boyer Greg Palast’s announcement that he and a colleague are being investigated for film work near New Orleans has brought near-unanimous indignation from bloggers.
Bloggers Express Guilt, Anxiety, Disgust Over 9/11 Replay September 11, 2006 By Mark Boyer Bloggers are not too happy about CNN Pipeline’s all-day, real-time re-broadcast of 9/11/01 coverage today.
Bloggers Mull Over Intriguing Episode From Anchor’s Past September 7, 2006 By Mark Boyer Radar reveals a shadowy episode from Anderson Cooper’s college days — but despite his assurances that it wasn’t news, bloggers couldn’t quite let it go.