Mass Transit and the Stimulus March 3, 2009 By Katherine Bagley National media show mixed feelings, presenting an opportunity for local and regional follow-ups
Salmonella Detective Story Leaves Stone Unturned February 19, 2009 By Katherine Bagley Reporters get the whodunnit, but miss the how-they-dunnit
Slate V Puts Weekly Science Roundup On Hold February 11, 2009 By Katherine Bagley “Grand Unified Weekly” shelved despite positive response from audiences
CJR Debate: Crude Journalism June 5, 2008 By Katherine Bagley Margonelli and Wallace on peak-oil coverage (Part 4 of 4)
CJR Debate: Crude Journalism June 4, 2008 By Katherine Bagley Margonelli and Wallace on peak-oil coverage (Part 3 of 4)
CJR Debate: Crude Journalism June 3, 2008 By Katherine Bagley Margonelli and Wallace on peak-oil coverage (Part 2 of 4)
CJR Debate: Crude Journalism June 2, 2008 By Katherine Bagley Margonelli and Wallace on peak-oil coverage (Part 1 of 4)
The Silent Side of Oil April 2, 2008 By Katherine Bagley Press needs to pump information on peak supply