Required skimming: how campaigns work August 14, 2012 By Greg Marx Learn how the wonks view the horse race
The real question about Romney’s Bain career July 23, 2012 By Greg Marx How, exactly, did his business career prepare the candidate to be president?
The Globe advances the Romney/Bain story July 20, 2012 By Greg Marx Meanwhile, MoJo digs into Romney’s investments in offshoring
Rehashing the debate about when Romney left Bain July 12, 2012 By Greg Marx After a much-discussed Boston Globe story, stands by its take
In defense of covering position papers and official statements July 9, 2012 By Greg Marx Most of the time, what politicians say is what they’ll do
The new media narrative: ‘no-policy’ Romney June 27, 2012 By Greg Marx Three things reporters should remember as they press Romney for policy details
Tucker Carlson on the virtue of interruptions June 15, 2012 By Greg Marx We shouldn’t be surprised it was a Daily Caller reporter who interrupted Obama
Sunlight’s Scout is a promising new tool June 15, 2012 By Greg Marx Service allows journalists to track activity in Congress, federal agencies, state legislatures
Smart Post piece asks: Do campaign ads work? June 15, 2012 By Greg Marx Campaign cash is eye-popping, but impact at presidential level is likely limited
How to cover the birthers? Denver Post shows what not to do June 1, 2012 By Greg Marx After paper asks readers for their "take," radio host offers his