Grappling With Conflagration in the Middle East July 18, 2006 By Felix Gillette Fireballs flare up this week on newsstands across the country as the nation’s magazines tackle Lebanon, Syria and Iran.
Presidential Potty Mouth Has Bloggers Atwitter July 17, 2006 By Felix Gillette Online pundits weigh in on President Bush’s use of the "s-bomb" during a conversation with Tony Blair at the G-8 summit.
Priscilla Long on Unconventional Writing Forms for Journalists July 15, 2006 By Felix Gillette The National Magazine Award winner talks about her essay on genetics and why journalists could benefit from reading poetry.
Leaping and Bounding … Inch by Inch July 14, 2006 By Felix Gillette A week’s worth of Associated Press articles about Rudy Giuliani presents the illusion of a news story moving forward.
HBO’s Real Sports Shows the Way July 13, 2006 By Felix Gillette The cable network shows other outlets how it’s done with a segment about the effects of power plant emissions on the health of young athletes.
Wag That Tail, Fido; It’s July July 10, 2006 By Felix Gillette When it comes to reporting on the federal budget deficit, the White House’s budget minders never get tired of trying to spin the press. Will it work again?
BusinessWeek Makes Us Laugh; Laughter is Good July 6, 2006 By Felix Gillette Business failures can make for interesting reading – especially when an enterprising reporter serves up the juicy details.
Media Blow More Hot Air Into Options Scandal July 6, 2006 By Felix Gillette Fortune claims that options backdating is “corporate America’s steroids scandal.” But the magazine’s own sources disagree.
Will the Media Blow Off a Whistleblower? June 27, 2006 By Felix Gillette Why is the nation’s financial press largely ignoring explosive allegations by a former SEC lawyer?
The Media’s Pernicious Corporate Effects June 23, 2006 By Felix Gillette A reader’s guide to the Corporate Effects ("Starbucks Effect," "Kmart Effect") continually being coined by our nation’s business reporters.