Waiting for CNN to Burst Into Flames January 19, 2006 By Felix Gillette Like poking a stick into a beehive, CNN’s announcement that it had hired conservative radio host Glenn Beck to host a show had bloggers riled up.
Coverage of Al’s Speech Gets Gore’d January 18, 2006 By Felix Gillette While the White House rallied to criticize Al Gore for his remarks attacking the administration, bloggers rallied to criticize the media’s coverage of the speech.
Lunching with Huey, Skiing with Bode and Riding a Wholphin January 17, 2006 By Felix Gillette Kurt Anderson ponders the future of magazines while Time and Newsweek cover a skier-turned-author and a new DVD magazine falls short.
Bloggers Read Ralph the Riot Act January 16, 2006 By Felix Gillette While some conservatives are casting Ralph Reed out over his ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, bloggers are welcoming him into their warm embrace.
Reporter Spots Hanging Curve Ball, Hits Home Run January 13, 2006 By Felix Gillette When the White House announced Thursday that the federal deficit would top $400 billion, only one reporter remembered his history – and cut through the spin.
And Now, a Few Golden Oldies from 1998! January 12, 2006 By Felix Gillette The Washington Times reprints another paper’s 7-year-old editorial to make a point about the Iraq war. So what, exactly, was the Times itself publishing on that same day?
Times Dogged About Dog Days Coverage January 9, 2006 By Felix Gillette While the paper has been beaten on some big scoops lately, it dominated what was undoubtedly the biggest story out of D.C. last week – the publication of a former blogger’s first novel.
Anonymice Plague the Shallow, the Vacuous and the Vain, Too January 6, 2006 By Felix Gillette Three anonymous sources who claimed an enemy of Paris Hilton "went berserk" and is "losing her looks" turn out to be – surprise! – Hilton herself.
Fifty Areas Where You Fall Short December 27, 2005 By Felix Gillette U.S. News brings us a list that feels like what might happen if one’s personal insecurities were handed to a newsroom of reporters to pick apart.
Press Plays Hot Potato With Seven Year-Old Scoop December 22, 2005 By Felix Gillette No one seems to want to claim responsibility for the scoop that bin Laden was using a cell phone to call his minions.